Salmon and Soba Noodles

2 Servings of Noodles (Soba or similar)
2 Salmon fillets (or white fish)
3 tbs Mirin
3 tbs Rice wine vinigar
2 tbs Soy sauce
1 tsp Brown sugar
2 tsp Sesame oil
Fresh Ginger - finely chopped
Red Capsicum - strips (coarse matchsticks)
Cucumber - ditto
Zucchini - ditto
Carrot - grated
2 Green Onions (Spring onions) - coarsely chopped
1 Avocado - diced

Cook noodles, drain and rinse in cold water.

Combine mirim, vinegar, soy sauce, sugar, sesame oil and ginger in a large bowl. Mix in all the prepared vegetables.

Fry fish in a hot pan - DON'T over cook. When cooked tranfer onto a plate and flake into large pieces.

Put noodles into a bowl and place vegetables on top. Pour some mirin mixture over the vegetables and then place flaked fish on top. Pour the remainder of the mirin mixture over the fish and top with coriander leaves and spring onion.